Michelle & Queso

Michelle & Queso

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The beginning of The Austin Wine Beagle

I live in Austin, TX with my fiancé and my 2 beagles, and I like wine.  You could go as far as to say I love wine.  Now I have taken a few wine classes throughout the years, but I wouldn't say I have a terribly distinguished pallet.  I just like wine and learning wine.  I appreciate the expensive, complex vinos in addition to their more simplistic, less pricey cousins.

That is where this project begins.  As we are planning our wedding for October of this year, I am on a quest to find some great tasting, reasonably priced wines to serve at the reception.  Inspired by something I learned from a sales guy at Spec's about wine prices often being inflated simply due to the popularity of the brand, I am confident I will discover some delicious wines for $10 or less of some less well-known brands readily available in Austin.

Secondary benefit, I am just generally interested in tracking the wines I try so I don't mistakenly repeat a loser and also so that I have some easy go-to wines when I am in a pinch and haven't planned ahead.

So cute!  And you can purchase by clicking here.

Here's the plan....all wines priced around $10 are up for consideration.  I will not discriminate against screw tops, box wines, value brands, silly names or purchase location. 

I will discuss the following for each wine:


And that's it.  Just a simple discussion of wines under $10 available in Austin, hoping to discover a few unkwown jewels out there.

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