Michelle & Queso

Michelle & Queso

Monday, March 28, 2011

Whole Foods 365 - Trackers Crossing South Eastern Australia 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon

Whole Foods 365 Everyday Value
Trackers Crossing South Eastern Australia 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon
Price:  $6.99

Generally, I like it.  Good red table wine.  Not terribly complex, but pleasant and highly versatile. I might not take this with me to a dinner party, but I think it is a definite for cooking and a solid contender for an everyday table wine.  I would purchase it again for sure.

Flavor: A good mix of spicy and fruity/berry flavors.  Definitely great paired with Italian dishes, BBQ, steaks and cheeses (from my experience at least).

Aroma:  A little stout, but not too strong.

Complexity:  What it lacks in complexity, it makes up in versatility.

Affordability:  At $6.99, you can't beat the price.

Enjoyability:  Nice. 

I feel affirmed.  I found this review on the Slash Food blog.

Unlike some of the other wines we tasted, Trackers Crossing is clearly marked as a Whole Foods wine (each bottle depicts the 365 Everyday Value logo). This Cabernet Sauvignon is fruit-forward with a bouquet of spices and black cherries that evolves into a jammy palate before finishing with soft, silky tannins. Cranberry enters mid-palate, too, for a nice touch that also allows this wine to pair well with most any type of food, particularly roasted or barbecue meats. For a lighter alternative, Gouda or any smoked cheese is a good bet.

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